Build Your Spooky Season Watch List with 31 Days of Halloween – Monster Men ep 183


You know, it ain’t Horrortober until the Monster Men roll the dice with Steve Hutchison’s fantastic game, 31 Days of Halloween. Yes, Jack and Hunter have been MIA for all of 2023, but we have risen from the grave to revel in all things horror.

Volume 2 of 31 Days of Halloween is packed with pages and pages of horror movies to choose from. All you need is some dice and a large horror movie collection, access to streaming, or both. You might say, “I’m a hard core horror hound. I don’t need no stinkin’ book to suggest movies. I know everything!” To which we say, “You’re not as all-knowing as you think, smart ass!”

Look, if you combine Jack and Hunter’s horror movie viewing time, you’re hitting over 100 years of experience. And with all that, we’re still getting movie recommendations we never heard of or just plain forgot.

As always, we rolled the dice for an entire month of terror pleasure viewing. Check out the video and see what we came up with this time around.

As a bonus, if you choose to stick to the list we rolled, tag us on Twitter or X at @MonsterMen13 and you just may win a little something at the end of the month.

And please grab your own copy of the book. You can use it year after year. It also has some great curation lists from horror celebs, directors, writers and a couple of goofball podcasters.

Monster Men Celebrate 100 Shows!


It started with a simple premise: two buddies talking horror, as they would in a bar. Simple, spontaneous, sometimes spooky and often silly.

It’s the 100th episode of Monster Men! Help us celebrate five years of hanging out and talking horror. It’s been filled with great conversation and a ton of laughs, covering everything and anything including horror movies, ghost stories, toys, paranormal investigations, bobble-heads, author interviews, demons, UFOs, super heroes, book reviews, comic book recommendations, serial killers, conventions, Bigfoot, aliens, candy corn, Halloween celebrations, cryptids, urban legends, horrific wine and pumpkin ale.

It’s been a long strange trip and we are only getting started.

On this show we reflect on the journey so far and thank many of the people who have supported us and helped make Monster Men something special. We also discuss some of our favorite horror movies and finish up with the story about how Spider-man brought the Monster Men together.

Thanks for a wonderful 100 shows. Here’s to what’s next!

Apartment 7C and +1



Just finished reading David Bernstein’s APARTMENT 7C. Once again, he has scored another winner. In this novella, find out what happens when an octogenarian has had enough with the abusive cop who lives next door. I actually wanted to cheer out loud at parts of the book. A perfect book for Horrortober!

I watched a cool little flick called +1. Netflix categorized it under horror, but it’s really a scifi movie. Think PROJECT X crossed with INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS. Lots o boobs at a crazy ass house party and a plot that keeps you guessing. The pool house scene at the end makes the trip worth it.

Make Way for Doctor Sleep


When Stephen King announced he was going to release a sequel to his masterpiece, The Shining, we here at Monster Men HQ were skeptical. What were the odds that a book about a middle-aged Danny Torrance could hold our attention and scare the pants off us?

Well, there’s a damn good reason why Stephen King is called a Horror Master. It took guts to even attempt making a sequel, and talent to craft a story so spellbinding. Find out more in our latest episode and pick up your copy.

Redrum, baby! Redrum.

Monster Men vs. The Wolf Man (It’s the Top Werewolf Movies!)


Well, I saw Lon Chaney walkin’ with the queen
Doin’ the werewolves of London
I saw Lon Chaney Jr. walkin’ with the queen
Doin’ the werewolves of London
I saw a werewolf drinkin’ a pina colada at Trader Vic’s
And his hair was perfect

Warren Zevon, ‘Werewolves of London’

I’m not sure how we managed to go two years without dedicating an episode to werewolves. Just remember to stick to the road…

Episode 53 : An Interview with Horror Author Robert Stava


Arrrrrgggh! We’re back with another interview, this time with author Robert Stava to talk about his newest book, THE FEAST OF ST. ANNE. This is book 2 in his mysterious Wyvern Falls series. Truly strange and creepy stuff.


Before we get to the interview, here’s a little about the book :

Welcome back to the village of Wyvern Falls, here along the Hudson in that sleepy region with the witching influence in the air. This second novel in the ‘Hudson Horror Series’, ‘The Feast of Saint Anne’ brings you not one but four terrifying tales of the supernatural set in their yearly carnival: In “The Red Baron’s Daughter” two boys get more history than they bargained for when a Fortune Teller draws them into the web of a monster with its origins in the deadly skies of the Western Front, circa 1918. Can CID detective John Easton save them from an even grimmer fate? With ‘The Lonely Dancers’ an upcoming band finally show up for their gig – thirty years after they were killed in a tragic accident. Will local musician Nick Carr unravel this murder mystery or is he doomed to relive their tale? The third story, “Lorenzo King and the Dunderberg Imp” takes a new spin on an old Washington Irving classic when a failing New York media hound finds himself in the worst, and deadliest, assignment of his life. But can he outwit this much nastier version of Irving’s river goblin and show everyone who the King really is? And in the final tale, “Hey Dummy!” local Art Director Jim Franks and his girlfriend cross paths with what appears to be an old-fashioned vaudeville act. Only neither ventriloquist nor dummy are what they seem and the answer to their awful secret lies over sixty years in the past with a New Guinea witchdoctor… Four tales. One hair-raising novel. The Feast of Saint Anne.

Episode 52 : The Walking Dead S4 Mid Season Review and Tour


(This originally appeared on Jack’s blog, Back in Jack)

I am very excited about this episode of Monster Men. There is a lot going on. First of all, we have our buddy, Anthony Ventarola back on as a guest. Since the topic is The Walking Dead, we ask him to join us. Not only does he love the show and have a great perspective on it, but he has actually been to Georgia and visited many of the locations used in the show. He knows his stuff and is always fun to talk to.

Ant, Hunter and I discuss the state of The Walking Dead here at the season four hiatus. How have we liked the season so far? How does it compare to last season? What did we think of the big mid-season finale? What were some of our favorite moments… and favorite kills? What do we think will happen next to Rick, Carl, Daryl, Michonne, Carol, Tyreese, Maggie, Glen and the rest of the group?
If you want to get your Walking Dead “Geek On”, you’ve come to the right place.
After our discussion we have a very special treat for you. Anthony was kind enough to share video footage from his recent trip to Georgia where he visited several locations from season three of The Walking Dead, including Woodbury, the town where Morgan lived and the restaurant where Carl and Michonne risked their lives to recover a certain item that was important to Carl. It is very
interesting and very cool. Be sure to stick around to the end of the show to see this segment.
One of the new things you’ll notice in this show is that we recorded it remotely rather than together in the same room. In the spirit of expanding what we do on Monster Men, we plan to have more guests on and this format makes it possible for us to schedule people at most any time and from most any location. It really will extend our reach and enable us to take the show to new heights. This was our first run at it and we are very excited to bring you an array of very interesting guests in the New Year.

What did you think of The Walking Dead this year? What do you think is coming next? Let us know!

What to Do During “The Walking Dead” Mid-Season Hiatus


WHAT??? No Walking Dead until February 2014? What are you gonna do?

Now that The Walking Dead as gone on its mid-season hiatus, you might be looking for some other zombie related entertainment to get you through the next couple of months. If you look online you’ll find hundreds of Top Ten Zombie Movie lists, but there are really only a few that you should seek out immediately.

Night of the Living Dead: This is pretty obvious, but if you go back and watch this again, you can see just how far the genre has come. There are actually two versions of this movie, and they are both worth watching. The original, black and white version is where George Romero gave birth to the modern version of the zombie and the notion that destroying the brain was the key to stopping them. The other version is the 1990 version that’s in color. While it may seem sacrilegious to remake a classic, this one is a pretty nice update of the original.

Monster Men Episode 51 : The Blumhouse of Horror!


Are you a fan of Paranormal Activity, Insidious, Sinister, The Purge, The Bay, The Lords of Salem? If you answered yes to any – or all – of those movies, you have Blumhouse Productions to thank. In this episode, Jack and Hunter explore the filmography of possibly the most important and relevant filmmakers in horror today.

11 Bigfoot Movies To Get Squatchy With


Here at the Monster Men dungeon, we’ve long noticed that you all love Bigfoot as much as we do. In our own Spinal Tap-ish fasion, we present 11 Bigfoot movies tailor made for B movie pleasure…

Hunter Shea

In honor of the return of Finding Bigfoot to the airwaves, I figured I’d list 11 (that’s right, mine goes to eleven!) Bigfoot movies for all you squatch lovers. I honestly feel that little show on Animal Planet is responsible for the rash of recent and upcoming Bigfoot movies – and in my book, that’s a good thing.

Even better news for all you movie producers, the definitive Bigfoot movie has yet to be made. Find a writer, quality director and Adam Sandler cash and get to work.

So, here’s the list. Thanks to Amazon, I’ve dropped in a quick synopsis for each followed by a 1 line personal review, because I can’t say no to Bigfoot movies, as well as my Squatch Rating of 1 to 5 Squatch Toes. There are dozens of sasquatch movies out there, the bulk being made in the 70’s and within the last few…

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