We’re Baaack! This is Why You Still Need to Buy Physical Copies of Your Favorite Horror Movies


Welcome back to another episode of Monster Men. Every time the docs are about to pronounce us dead, we drag another breath into our old ass lungs and get right back up. This time around, we discuss the value of physical media and why it should be here to stay. Sure, streaming movies is easy and convenient, but can you really find everything you want at your fingertips? What happens when a streaming service loses the rights to your favorite flick? Do you really want to pay over and over again for a movie you love? Jack and Hunter pluck five movies from their massive shelves and discuss why there is still a ton of value in buying physical copies of horror movies.

What are some of your favorite movie purchases and why? The Monster Men want to know!

And now that we have a new and improved streaming platform, what topics would you like us to tackle in the coming months? If we do an episode based on your suggestion, you’ll get some free books from Hunter. So screw on that thinking cap and send us your wish lists!

Build Your Spooky Season Watch List with 31 Days of Halloween – Monster Men ep 183


You know, it ain’t Horrortober until the Monster Men roll the dice with Steve Hutchison’s fantastic game, 31 Days of Halloween. Yes, Jack and Hunter have been MIA for all of 2023, but we have risen from the grave to revel in all things horror.

Volume 2 of 31 Days of Halloween is packed with pages and pages of horror movies to choose from. All you need is some dice and a large horror movie collection, access to streaming, or both. You might say, “I’m a hard core horror hound. I don’t need no stinkin’ book to suggest movies. I know everything!” To which we say, “You’re not as all-knowing as you think, smart ass!”

Look, if you combine Jack and Hunter’s horror movie viewing time, you’re hitting over 100 years of experience. And with all that, we’re still getting movie recommendations we never heard of or just plain forgot.

As always, we rolled the dice for an entire month of terror pleasure viewing. Check out the video and see what we came up with this time around.

As a bonus, if you choose to stick to the list we rolled, tag us on Twitter or X at @MonsterMen13 and you just may win a little something at the end of the month.

And please grab your own copy of the book. You can use it year after year. It also has some great curation lists from horror celebs, directors, writers and a couple of goofball podcasters.