Paranormal Investigation with Glenn Laycock of T.O.P.S. – Monster Men Ep. 170


You might want to check this episode out with the lights on. The Monster Men were thrilled to have Glenn Laycock on the show. Glenn is the director of T.O.P.S. (The Ontario Paranormal Society York Region Chapter), and has been a paranormal investigator for five years. He’s lived in a haunted home for over a decade and was even featured on Paranormal Survivor. Glenn talks about some of his most chilling investigations, what it’s like to be on TV, the backstory behind his haunted house, ghost hunting equipment and why graveyards are not the best place to seek the paranormal.

You can learn more about Glenn and T.O.P.S. at their Facebook page where they share video and hair raising audio​ or their website

UFO Investigation with Ryan Sprague – Monster Men Ep: 162


Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a… a tic tac! This is the episode Hunter has been waiting for since the Monster Men crawled out of the muck and into the interwebs. Join us as we talk UFOs (or as some call them now, UAPs) with one of the world’s leading Ufologists, Ryan Sprague, the author of Somewhere in the Skies and host of the podcast of the very same name. We’re talking about government disclosure, real life encounters, horror at a drive-in, terrifying abductions and more. Trust us. After this one, you’ll all keep your eyes on the skies!

Find Ryan Sprague at:
Twitter: @RyanSprague51

The First Family of Paranormal Investigation – The Warrens


On this episode of Monster Men we discuss the first family of paranormal investigation, Connecticut’s own Ed and Lorraine Warren. The couple that is at the center of The Conjuring cinematic universe, including the Annabelle movies.


Before they were a sensation on the silver stream, these two were blazing a trail as ghost hunters, before ghost hunting was even a thing. We’ve actually attended seminars hosted by the Warrens, and watch countless hours of their content on TV and online.

Join us as we tell stories about our encounters and our thoughts of their legacy in the field of paranormal investigation.